Tribute to Eileen Moore


Tribute to Eileen Moore
Eileen Moore and Germain Dufour
Tribute to Eileen Moore

Eileen was a friend, a gentle person, a great being, a woman of peace, a natural born diplomat in all circumstances and, in many ways, she stood up for her human rights throughout her life. Eileen and I have had long discussions on many social issues. She always perceived the good in people. I have learned a lot from her intelligent mind, her insights, and wonderful heart. I have appreciated her sense of professionalism, her determination and perseverance in achieving her ideals for the good of family. She gave me a sense of direction for the better. Since we first met in 2003 to today Eileen has been my guiding angel on many levels. I will miss her guidance and enlightenment.

Eileen had a very loving and distinguished taste for family. Her memory kept an entire vision of meetings with family and friends of family. She could remember conversations she had with thousands of them. She truly had a remarkable sense of who she was on her family tree. She was proud of family. She and I wrote the "Black and Quigley family history album", her family, dating back to the 1800s in Scotland.

Eileen's grandfather was Alexander Black, born December 5, 1860, in Park, Parish of Drumoak, Scotland. His father was David Black, a master tailor and clothier, and his mother was Elizabeth Dickie.

In 1882, Alexander Black married Magdalen Wright. It was the marriage between Alexander Black, age 22, now living at 134 Ingrave Street, Battersea, Surrey, England, and Magdalen Cairns Wright, age 21, living at Old Farme Rutherglen. They have married August 31, 1882, at Old Farme Rutherglen after Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland. At the time, Alexander Black was an Operative Paper Maker and Magdalen Wright was a Paper Finisher (Sprinster).

Magdalen Wright parents were John Wright, an Engine Keeper, and Agnes Marshall.

Alexander Black and Magdalen Wright had six children: Annie Ramsay, Agnes Marshall, David, John, Alexander Dickie (Alex), Elizabeth Dickie. Annie Ramsay was born January 21, 1896 in Invergowrie, Scotland.

In 1905, Alexander with two of his children came to Canada by ship. The ship was called the "S-S Buena Ayrian". In 1906, the other members of the family joined them. They first settled on the NW 12-37-24.

John (Andrew) Quigley and Hannah Moore had five children: John (Jack), Martha, James (Jim), Agnes, and Sammuel. Samuel Quigley was born October 29, 1887 in The Cross, Londonderry, Ireland.

Samuel Quigley and Annie Ramsay Black married on February 17, 1915, at the Knox Presbyterian Church. Both were living in Red Deer, Alberta at the time of marriage.

The name Quigley in Ireland is derived from the native Gaelic O’Coigligh Sept. Descendants bearing the name are now widespread throughout the country but can be mostly found in Counties Donegal and Kerry. Kegley, Cogley and Quigg have been used as variants of this name.

Samuel Quigley moved from Londonderry at the age of sixteen to work on freighter ships as an apprentice steam engineer. From 1907 to 1911, Samuel was employed on board of steamship Tantallion and others. He left the job to move to Canada. He moved to Canada July 29, 1911, and probably worked on the ship to travel to Canada. His mother worried about him because of storms on the sea. He first arrived in Quebec August 7, 1911. Samuel moved to Toronto where he had two brothers, John (Jack) and James (Jim), who worked at the Timothy Eatons store. Not finding a job, Samuel moved West. His first stop was Red Deer, Alberta. He found employment in the Tom Gaetz store, opposite the C.P.R. station. Then worked at the Piper Brick yard and later, as a steam engineer for the Presbyterian Ladies College.

In 1914, Samuel became an army recruiting officer for east of Red Deer. Samuel was involved with the Red Deer Cadet drum and bugle band. He played the big drum and help organizing the band, and became the band leader. This skill was further used later on in his life after he joined the military during World War I.

Samuel worked in a Red Deer drugstore at the time when he first met Annie Ramsay Black. They married soon after. Samuel served as Postmaster in Three Hills, Alberta, from 1925 to 1950. Together, he and Annie raised five children: Melville, Eileen, Beth, Marj and Sheila.

Annie Ramsay moved to Red Deer with her family so that the children could attend high school. Annie graduated with honours from a High School. Annie attended Presbyterian Ladies College (Normal School) in Red Deer and obtained a teacher certificate. During her school off hours, Annie worked at different jobs to supplement the family income.

When Samuel returned from the war, he purchased the N.E. 14-37-24 from "Doc." Jones. Samuel became active in the small community of Delburne and joined the local dance band. Samuel developed rheumatoid arthritis in the damped trenches in the war, WWI. So he could not farm the land his property but he successfully became one of the first trustees for Kyte School in 1922. Samuel developed rheumatoid arthritis in the damped trenches in the war, WWI.

Eileen was born on the farm in Delburne May 26, 1920. Annie taught school at Bellgrove, and in 1922 became the first teacher at Kyte School.

Samuel worked in Trochu with the C.N.R. during 1923-24. And in 1924, Samuel worked in Delburne Post Office. Because of his War records, on November 25th, 1925, Samuel obtained postmaster position in Three Hills. The Postmaster in Delburne, Mr. Faulds, was helpful to Samuel getting the position. So in 1925, Annie and Samuel sold their farm and moved to Three Hills. Letter enclosing a notification about his appointment as Postmaster.

Because Samuel developed rheumatoid arthritis in the damped trenches in the war, WWI, and that his illness got much worst, he had to retire as Postmaster. He also wanted to give his son Melville, who also served in the military, a chance to take over the P.O. Mel took the job.

In 1917, Annie’s brother, Alexander Dickie Black, died at the age of 19 the night before the muddy conflict of Passchendaele, the historic battle near Ypres that cost the Allied forces nearly half a million casualties. His brother-in-law Samuel Quigley was also a soldier in the Great War, serving as a Private with the 31st battalion in England and France before returning safely home.

Eileen married John Ivan Sheppy and raised three children with him: Alan Gerald, Glenn Richard, and Joan Elizabeth. Later, in Edmonton, she married her second husband, Brian Bowden, while she pursued a Master’s in Education and worked as a teacher.

Eileen became a teacher in Sangudo and Edmonton. She spent eight years working as a counselor at Edmonton’s L.Y. Cairns Vocational School. Her son Glenn met his first wife, Estelle Dansereau, had two children, Guy, born in 1966 and working as a programmer for high-tech businesses in Redwood City, California, and Nicole, born in 1969, pursuing her Doctorate in Literature at the University of Calgary and teaching introductory literature courses. At the time, both Glenn and Estelle held summer jobs grading province-wide departmental exams. Estelle went on to obtain a Doctorate and later became a French professor at the University of Calgary.

Guy married Marie Malicdem and they had three children: Christian Guy born in 1994, Tyler Etienne born in 2000, and Ethan Didier born in 2002. Mary is a nurse working part time.

Nicole's companion is Ian Janson.

Glenn second wife, Charmaine, had two children, Evan, born in 1983, and Craig, born in 1986, both attending the University of Toronto. Glenn has worked with the Department of Foreign Affairs most of his life. He has had several posting in Asia and Africa, first posting in Indonesia, and last posting in Zimbabwe. Both Evan and Craig have graduated from high school oversea and hold double citizenships.

The Black and Quigley family has had a wide variety of talents and interests. There have been educators, postmasters, engineers and chefs, geologists and medical researchers, students of literature and diplomats posted to Asia. There have been painters, coaches and homemakers. One thing these different people share is the story of their British and Irish origins.

The "Preface of the Black and Quigley family history album" by Nicole (Nikki) Sheppy, Eileen's granddaughter, the "Summary of the Origin of the Black and Quigley family history" by Eileen herself, and the album itself, describe in details Eileen Moore entire life and family history, and I will not add anything new here. The album spread over five generations and is very descriptive with thousands of photos and explanatory texts dating back to the 1800s in Scotland.

After retiring in 1985, Eileen moved to Vancouver Island so that she could enjoy the ocean and the natural beauty of the beaches and coves. It was to become a popular gathering place for family members over the decades.

During her retirement years, Eileen took up several activities. She very much enjoyed a lot of the same activities her Mom and Dad have cherished during their retirement's years. She also had many other dreams to fulfill such as travelling and keeping close to family. Over time, the three sisters, Beth, Sheila and Eileen, have kept a very close relationship and have been very good friends, and they often visited one another.

Many of Eileen activities included:

Eileen activities Visiting and caring for family

Eileen activities Travelling around the world: England and many other countries of Europe, China with a tour group, Beijing, India, Hong Kong, Thailand, Bangkok, Shimla, the capital city of Himachai Pradesh, and South Korea

Eileen activities Expo 1986, September, Canada Place

Eileen activities Picnicking and camping

Eileen activities Visiting friends; Dan & Evelyn Sherwood, good friends from Kamloops, and neighbours Blanche, Aurelia, Marie, Roberta and Vickie.

Eileen activities Keeping an active social life, making many friends in the community and being a part of several social clubs: the Weekenders, dancing clubs.

Eileen activities Enjoying and sharing a good time with all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Eileen activities Square dancing, round dancing, Scottish Country dancing, and ball room dancing

Eileen activities Keeping in touch with the world and global politics. Eileen and I had countless discussions concerning world events.

Eileen has kept physically healthy most of the times, eating healthy foods, exercising and keeping in touch with healthy ways and products. She was mentally and intellectually aware and alert, and capable of judgment and making decisions for herself, until her last day before passing away.

God is with you Eileen, and you are with God. We all love you, and we know you are now in Heaven, God's Heaven, and able to protect us all throughout our lives. Continue being our angel guiding us as you have been for others in your life! We thank you for all the good you have done!

Please hold a moment of silence to remember and honour a dear friend and global citizen, Eileen Moore, who passed away March 11, 2015.



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